Nutrition Plans

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Years Of Experience
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Clients Achieved Their Goals
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How It Works

Terry requests new clients to complete a 6-page questionnaire which asks for specific details on foods prepared, estimated calories ingested daily, mealtimes, and cravings in the household. While this information gathering may seem tedious, his deep dive into consumption and patterns all serve a purpose.

Cumulatively, this material allows Terry to make an accurate assessment of how the body will process an introduction of different food groups and supplements. A new schedule for meals may also be considered at this time. These factors are all decided upon after the completion of the questionnaire and a blood test. In most cases a client’s blood type determines new foods which can be tolerated and those that should be eliminated.

Blood type also reveals chemical make-up and hormone imbalances which permit Terry to make accurate recommendations for supplements. These complement the positive effects of a customized nutrition plan and ensure long term success.

Train hard. Laugh. Have fun. Meet your goals. Join us today.

Terry’s personal story is one of inspiration and perseverance. After graduation with a B.S. in Biology from the University of Cincinnati, Terry headed west to California where he discovered a penchant for weightlifting. Shortly after relocating he received horrific news that his father had committed suicide without warning.

Every time he experienced negative feelings or painful memories about father, Terry turned to the gym for strength and the ability to walk through the darkness. Throughout this healing process, Terry fell in love with powerlifting and began to compete. What was originally a hobby, turned into a semi-professional career taking him to events across the nation where he won back-to-back strong man competitions. He retains a world record – squatting 1100 pounds, which has yet to be broken. In 1993 Terry decided to return to Cincinnati to open his own gym. And the rest as they say, is history.

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Please text or call 513-407-7272 in advance to make sure class is on.

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